Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jeremiah 17

Whenever things seem to be going wrong, I always seem to find myself back at the feet of Christ, and in His Word. I've been hurting pretty bad lately with confusion, disappointment, and guilt. I was reading last night in Jeremiah and I came to the 17th chapter. It started out by saying that we shouldn't trust in men or the things of this world, but "blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD whose confidence indeed is the LORD." (vs.7) Then it goes on to say how strong we will be if we trust in Him. Then came the really hard part; Verse 9-13; Maybe the reason I feel so confused is because I'm "letting my heart" lead me... but, hold on, isn't that what all the sentimental "sweet" "happy-ending" movies say "just follow your heart." Well, my Bible says that the "heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick- who can understand it?" We need to learn to trust in God, because, again, “following our hearts" only leads to disaster. All of us as Christians need to be living sacrifices, not only to serve God with our lives, but also to make MORE out of our lives. In verse 10 it says "I, the LORD examine the mind, I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve." God knows right where you are... He knows right where I am. He knows what we can take, and what we cannot take, what we think, and even better than all that..... He understands how we feel. It says that when we "abandon" Him or start serving our own selves or fulfilling our own desires then we have just walked away from the "fountain of living water," and, isn't that what EVERYONE seems to be looking for? It's all in him guys. God Bless You.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Behind the Veil Oct. 13 @ 7

Women's Mini-Conference! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

So, I really haven't been doing good keeping my commitment to keep up with my grandma on memorizing scripture, but I searched the Word, my gift from God, right after lunch and wow did it minister to me!

Job 13:5 King James Version says:

"O that ye would altogether hold your
peace! and it should be your wisdom. "
In the Christian Standard version it says
"If only you would shut up and let that be
your wisdom."
As a general rule of thumb I don't use the
word "shut-up" because we live in a world
that is just dying to be heard, and I don't
want to scold someone who is already
struggling, but when I say it to myself, it
just might be necessary to be a little more harsh.
Remember viewers, and myself, God's Word IS powerful, and still relevant today. Just like HE spoke to me through His word that I need to just shut my mouth sometimes instead of just saying what I want to say, whenever I want to say it, He longs to speak to the rest of His children, but when there is sin in the way it blocks the pathway that God sends our blessings and revelations through. Let's read His word so that we again open ourselves up to what He has to say, and while we're at it, let's pray to Him... that way the conversation isn't so onesided. :) God Bless You!